New to


A few images of what is going on with the 1924 store! I thought to post something involving a bit of everything! Recent antiques added, camp cards, mugs, handmade campfire scented candles! Christian has been working on a t-shirt design, which was released a few months ago as the 'Mystery Tee'. Basically no one knew what the design would be when they ordered it. They just picked a size. This is something that meant a lot to us both, as he wanted to create something physical from his own spiritual growth. Which is really incredible to have the opportunity to do! So over the past months orders came in and we are both so humbled and so appreciative of all the feedback :) You can see the design below. What you can't see is the inset of the tee has a small design of a man rowing away in a little boat named 'SS Redemption'. This is the most important part. As we have grown together through small bumps (comparatively small, they have definitely felt like mountains at times) but redemption or grace has always been the there, always bigger and constant. I can't really put into words how proud I am of the man I have watched Christian become. And with every 'movement' we have in the world right now, taking on attributes good or bad, all we each really have to begin with is purely ourselves. Our own outlook, thoughts, small actions. As well known as this message is, it never gets old. There is MASSIVE power in the smallest parts of ourselves, this is all we start with.  So in conclusion, it is because of God, God in our lives, Jesus Christ who paved an alternative lane and made it possible for us to access this holy, grace abounding, joyful and humbling route. 

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Clay styling pieces - new to the antique store


Some new pottery pieces for our antique store! The above ones Christian & I sourced in New Zealand on the way traveling down to Dunedin! They are almost up on the store. I just got excited to share a blog post first :) I also included some other finds from Oregon we fell in love with! Pottery is such a beautiful way to style simple nooks. I also have some exciting news, that is we are moving at the end of the week. So we have been packing and refining all the antiques. I can't tell you how excited we are to switch up locations (the one we are currently in is leaking water), although to be honest, the excitement is more along the lines we get to style a house from scratch YYAYAYAY!!! All items from the 1924 antique store :)